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I’m excited that you are along for the ride. I’m writing to you from the Newark airport. We had a longer layover than I would have preferred, but … hey … it gave me time to share this message. A few (quite a few) years ago, I became intrigued by St. Francis of Assisi. I

After over a month traveling in Europe, it’s time to bring my sabbatical 2023 to a close.  Along the way… in Lorca … I saw a sign. I’m paraphrasing because I neglected to capture an image of it in the hundreds of pictures and videos from the trip.  The message was (essentially) that we should

When I was preparing to leave for my sabbatical adventure, most of the women I spoke with asked, “How much weight do you think you’ll lose?” As if that was one of my big goals! If I lost more than 10 pounds, it would have been a problem. But 5 pounds?  Good riddance! My response

I came back from my adventure, a couple of weeks earlier than originally planned. Some would see that as a failure. I fast forwarded through about 10 days of what would’ve been spent doing the same thing I had been doing for a month. It was an undeniable metaphor. There are times when that is

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