I came back from my adventure, a couple of weeks earlier than originally planned.
Some would see that as a failure.
I fast forwarded through about 10 days of what would’ve been spent doing the same thing I had been doing for a month. It was an undeniable metaphor.
There are times when that is exactly what’s called for.
“It’s” not done yet … whatever “It” is.
How did I know I was done?
I had a dream. A very powerful dream. It was one of those before and after moments.
Before the dream.
After the dream.
I suddenly knew what I needed to do. And spending a couple of weeks hiking across Spain was suddenly causing an unacceptable delay.
The truth is … I already knew what I needed to do. I just wanted to avoid making changes.
Changes that were now undeniably necessary.
If it is to be, it’s up to me!
What changes do you know you need to make that you’ve been resisting?
There’s nothing like a sabbatical … stepping away from your routine … to make it crystal clear.
But … a sabbatical isn’t really required if we would drop the resistance and follow our intuition. It’s our most reliable guidance.
Change can be challenging. We are creatures of habit.
And making changes is emotionally draining. It’s understandable that we avoid it.
Remember … the major improvements in your life are most likely on the other side of some big change.
Until next week …
Be Well!
Dr. Gala