I’ve been thinking this week about a message I’m seeing repeatedly.
You just need to heal the cell and all your symptoms will go away. And while there is some truth in this belief …
… they’re still missing the point.
The reason why the cell is not functioning properly is because its “wires are crossed.”
This is the way I describe what happens when the internal signals required to make our magicalhuman body function optimally are disrupted.
We have to accept that much of what goes on internally is beyond our comprehension. There’s a lot more we don’t know … than we know.
I’ve been studying what science refers to as applied quantum physics for quite a few years now. We can evaluate the energy system in the human body to determine the source of the signal interference using advanced technology that exploits quantum physics.
Any problem is easier to solve when you know what’s causing it.
I blend a combination of treatment methods to initiate what could be thought of as a reboot. And then …
… as long as we’re not getting a constant barrage of whatever toxic source caused the signal to go haywire in the first place …
… our body should be able to maintain normal cellular communication.
If the problem has been active for a while, we may need to remind the body a number of times until it remembers what it was designed to do naturally. That’s why my protocols typically last 3-4 weeks.
Then we take a break. After about a week, we reevaluate to see how much the body remembers and if it is maintaining the signals on its own.
Typically, some things are resolved while others are lingering … even loitering! It’s also possible that some issues that appear to be new surface. These are actually issues that were buried under the surface level issues and must be resolved for lasting well-being.
This requires that we make some adjustments and initiate another protocol. What I’ve found is that it can take four to five protocols for the body to peel through the toxic buildup.
When the toxicity levels are low, the body’s systems run efficiently … without being so buggy.
Every component of our body has a frequency that it resonates with. These frequencies have been proven to be effective.
It’s evident when medical doctors use a specific frequency to destroy kidney stones. They do that without having to surgically remove them. When you hit the stones with the right frequency, they dissolve.
This is similar to what happens with many of the toxins that have created a problem or what I call dis-ease in the body when we introduce a customized energetic balancing protocol.
If this resonates with you, then you will appreciate my Metabolic Energy System Assessment. Your metabolism along with every other system in your body relies on Metabolic Energy Production.
And, Metabolic Energy Production is dependent on your cell signaling. If you’re seeing signs and symptoms of disease … that may have even escalated to disease, the Metabolic Energy System Assessment will help you identify what’s got your internal wires crossed.
Until next week …
Be Well!
Dr. Gala