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You may recall that my husband had an issue with his eye recently. The medical doctor refused to treat him unless he submitted to a toxic injection of dye. To his credit, he declined and started looking for another doctor. At a minimum, he would get a second opinion to ease his mind. He met

I talk a lot about toxic stress.  Stress builds and turns toxic … … OR … … toxicity builds and creates stress. There’s simply no way to avoid toxicity OR stress so you need to learn to manage them both. I share lots of ways to do that. It’s important that you pick the right

Most women (including ME!) are frustrated with the side effects of midlife. Weight gain Fat accumulation Sleep disturbance  Mood swings Shall I continue??!! It’s understandable that we seek a solution. We may even ignore the warnings in exchange for the promise of restoring some of the benefits of a younger body. The first time I

A medical doctor recently recommended that my husband have a procedure requiring contrast dye. It involves injecting a chemical into his vein so that they can use imaging equipment to see where it goes. A few observations … It’s a chemical. It OBVIOUSLY goes everywhere. It can cause allergic reactions. In the late 80s, I

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