You may recall that my husband had an issue with his eye recently. The medical doctor refused to treat him unless he submitted to a toxic injection of dye.
To his credit, he declined and started looking for another doctor. At a minimum, he would get a second opinion to ease his mind.
He met with the new doctor this week. The diagnosis was confirmed BUT this doctor recognized that the dye was somewhat of an “old school” standard and wasn’t really necessary.
So, the doctor agreed to perform the recommended procedure without the dye. Time will tell whether it worked.
I have been telling my husband for years about the mounting evidence that blue screens cause damage to the retina … especially for those with weakened eye structures.
My husband “poo-pooed” it … mostly because he spends hours on his phone. He even reads books on it!
Minimizing blue light exposure is quite challenging in our technologically advanced world. So, I get it. It’s impractical and inconvenient.
The most interesting information to emerge from my husband’s doctor’s appointment is what he says caused the eye issue.
UV and blue light!
It’s always a sign of hope for me when a medical doctor has “gone rogue” and is willing to admit that there is toxicity in our environment causing disease.
Blue light is a form of geopathic stress and is just one of 12 categories of toxicity I evaluate.
Toxicity is unavoidable. I’m just looking for the types of toxicity that are overwhelming weakened systems.
In this case, my husband’s eyes are a weak point for him. It’s different for every BODY.
There are things you can do to minimize the stress that toxins are putting on your body. I assembled the things that tend to work for everyone into my Human Energy System Reboot.
It’s best to reboot regularly … before your systems become “buggy.”
Until next week …
Be Well!