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Today is the eve of a new year. And while any day can be New Year’s Day, we humans reach a consensus on at least one thing today. Everyone agrees it’s time to start fresh on the 1st of January. My birthday is between Christmas and the New Year, so it adds extra emphasis. I

I have a few new additions to my gift list this year. I realized I was feeling a bit of stress about it. I haven’t done much Christmas gifting in recent years. My familycame to an agreement quite a few years ago that we would stop exchanging gifts. It was added stress and often ended

I’ve been thinking this week about a message I’m seeing repeatedly. You just need to heal the cell and all your symptoms will go away. And while there is some truth in this belief … … they’re still missing the point. The reason why the cell is not functioning properly is because its “wires are

It was a departure from the shows that typically extend me an invitation. I was a guest on the Curiously Guided podcast recently. The cohosts were delightful young women who have learned about the importance of developing awareness in their early 30s. I thoroughly enjoyed my conversation with them. I was reminded of myself at their

The list of excuses is fairly short. It’s expensive. It’s inconvenient. It’s not that important. Honestly … they’re all valid except the last one. You may have heard that it’s only important to look for organic with certain fruits and vegetables. That approach exposes you to chemicals that are commonly found in unlikely food sources.

Holiday decorations started popping up everywhere recently—the clear sign that Christmas is around the corner … tree lots. Apparently, people still buy real trees and deal with the … Sticky sap Pine needles Disposal dilemma … in exchange for the … Natural pine scent Authenticity Tradition … and the priceless experience that comes with “real

Over a quarter of a century ago I stopped consuming wheat regularly. In what would be my first introduction to food sensitivities, I was told it was aggravating my digestive system. I ate pasta and bread A.L.O.T. So it wasn’t easy to quit cold turkey. But that’s what I did. I guess I have turkey

For the past few weeks, I’ve been struggling with insomnia. It’s intermittent and doesn’t seem to follow any pattern … which makes it really hard to unravel. Most people would just try to whac-a-mole themselves back to sleep with melatonin or some over-the-counter medication. I’m not like most people. And if you’re reading this, you’re

If you’re a super man or woman, there is always some substance that renders you helpless. Super man or woman, under the influence of their unique Kryptonite, can’t help themselves … much less save the world. Fortunately, these tales have a happy ending. The Kryptonite is always found and removed. Super powers are restored. Super

I’ve had fun lately watching Taylor Swift break records with her music. And it appears that the better it gets … the better it gets. I moved to Nashville the year she launched her career. So I’ve been along for the ride since the early days. She has a new love in her life that

When I was in my 20s, I was burning the candle at both ends. I regularly jumped out of bed at 4:30 AM to hit the gym on my way to the office. I had a group of casual friends that gathered in the early morning so those hours at the gym were also my

Many women come into my clinic complaining of … Weight Gain Insomnia Aches and Pains … along with some other accompanying symptoms. I’m rarely their first stop. They’ve been to several other doctors that have run a battery of tests. If they have been given a diagnosis, it’s often low thyroid … or other hormones.

I’ve been home from vacation for a few days. It was two weeks of fun-packed days. I have memories and new friends that are lasting. As I recovered from the travel and schedule disruption, I was reminded how different a vacation is from a retreat. While it’s possible that both experiences are created for you

I’m watching a woman explain how she freely loves and appreciates everyone …  but herself. Ouch! But not uncommon.  The response from the facilitator … a bit tongue in cheek … was that many of us carry a feeling that we’re not as lovable as others, because of something that was said to us when

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