2025:1 12 Drummers Drumming … Creates Resonance ✴️

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As we wrap up the 12 Days of Christmas with the 12 Drummers drumming, I was reminded of a workshop I participated in many years ago. 

The workshop leader demonstrated how one drum played rhythmically created an invisible pulsing environment that other drums in the area tuned into. 

You could feel the drums vibrating. And, it didn’t take too much of a stretch of the imagination to KNOW that the vibration was affecting the human bodies in the area as well. 👀

The body wants to restore homeostasis … optimal wellness. Sometimes the toxic load it’s under creates too much stress.

A reset clears the stress. And, that provides energy and resources that take care of the problem … whatever that might be.

If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you know that I always say “symptoms are a sign of a toxic buildup.” There’s no symptom I’ve found that defies this truth. 

Sometimes, a reset is enough … unless the source of the toxicity isn’t removed.

The ultimate challenge is to identify the source of the toxicity. 

The Metabolic Energy System Assessment™  I created, evaluates 12 categories of toxicity. It’s typically the next step AFTER a  Human Energy System™ Reboot  …

… when a Reboot isn’t quite enough and a full Reset is called for.

As we launch into 2025, it’s a great time for a Reboot … and if you know you need more …

… get the Assessment started so that we can determine what should be included in a Reset that is customized to address your unique issues.

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About the author 

Gala Gorman

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