This week we will welcome March. The hope of spring has me thinking about cleaning.
OK. Not really cleaning. Decluttering!
It’s WILD how much stuff we accumulate. And, it’s not that easy to get rid of it when it’s served its useful purpose.
We moved out of a big house 5 years ago. We’ve had lots of things in storage because we didn’t have a long-term plan at the time.
5 years! It seems like a really long time (almost 10% of my life) but it has flown by.
And, now it’s time to let all that “stuff” go.
Some things have been replaced. It’s easier to buy it new when putting your hands on it requires digging around in a dusty storage unit.
I’m not looking forward to the messy project but I AM LOOKING FORWARD to the result.
I expect to feel lighter and see shifts in energy. When we hold on to clutter (and anything else that is not useful), it creates stagnation.
If you feel “stuck,” look around for areas you can declutter. It doesn’t have to be a major project like the one I’m undertaking today. Just clean out the junk drawer.
This is an example of one of the exercises in the MOLT Method I created. The O in MOLT is for Order. When things are “out of order” it creates stress.
Applying the MOLT Method is how I keep stress levels in check. You can do the same if you’ll join me.
Until next week …
Be Well!