2024:4 What’s Normal?

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I heard something recently that resonated with me.

It’s not the NEW normal …

It’s NEVER normal.

The only thing constant is change. And change is stressful.

The last few years have “fire hosed” us with situations that demand resilience.

And 2024 promises more …

… creating more stress.

And, stress causes dis-ease that escalates to disease if we don’t manage it well.

Just when I think I’ve got a thorough understanding of how stress creates disease, I find yet another issue that is being misdiagnosed because the connection to stress has been missed.

When stress becomes chronic, it creates vulnerabilities. Our amazing human bodies have managed stress until … 

… they can’t.

Toxins exploit these vulnerabilities and create more stress in the process. This leads to what I call “toxic stress.”

The information, techniques, tools and support I bundled together in my MOLT Membership could be your life line.

We can all use a bit of extra help and this is an easy way to get it.

Until next week …

Be Well!

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About the author 

Gala Gorman

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