This week I made time for a workshop … that I didn’t really have time for.
Sound familiar?
Somehow I knew that I needed to MAKE the time. The material in the workshop is aligned with the theme I’m focused on. And, we need to take advantage of the opportunities that are sent to make our way easier.
This was definitely that!
I’m focused on getting in the flow … intentionally.
If you follow me (social channels or with my weekly messages) over the next couple of months, you’ll be along for the ride as I make the time for a long overdue (repeatedly postponed) 6-week sabbatical …
… designed to create space for the kind of insight that rarely breaks through in the few minutes between activities of daily living.
The workshop this week was spread over two evenings. The day between reminded me of the “good ‘ol days” when I could eat the cream out of the Oreo cookie … before I knew how toxic the ingredients are.
Energy was obviously shifting. Issues that had been consuming mindshare resolved themselves. I was witnessing my world with a different perspective.
Really cool!
And, I have 6 weeks to experience this sort of mysterious magic.
As my dear friend, Paula, would say, “Oh … how delicious!”
I wish I could hear her say it one more time … and share it with you.
Sadly, she is no longer walking with us in the time/space reality. But, I can feel the warmth of her wry smile as I write this.
So, will you make time to create flow in your life? If not for the mysterious magic … to resolve issues that have been consuming mindshare.
When you don’t think you can afford it … that’s when you can’t afford not to!
Until next week …
Be Well!
Dr. Gala