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If you ever think, “Sure, Dr. Gala. It’s easy to avoid suppressing symptoms when you don’t have any.” Just know …  … I know NO people that don’t have symptoms. Including ME! This week I was put to the test. After a fitful night of sleep, I crawled out of bed and into the recliner.

We got back from a Caribbean cruise a few days ago. A couple of weeks of sunshine and warm weather definitely put a smile on faces. At home, the “weather gods” missed the memo that it’s time for spring. It’s cool, cloudy and wet. Just another opportunity to practice unconditional alignment and manufacture some happiness.

I’m writing you today from the Caribbean where I am enjoying a couple of weeks of significantly warmer weather and an abundance of sunshine.  My human battery is recharging! That’s what exposure to sun and sea do for us. And when our battery is fully charged our body has the resources it needs to take

My car has a sensor that triggers a dashboard light to let me know when a tire is low. It doesn’t tell me which tire … … but there’s only 4 options. My previous car had a full-size spare that also had a sensor adding one more possible source of the trigger. There are 3

I burned my hand recently and … after I applied ice and herbal burn cream … I thought about you. This was a great example to help explain when it is OK … even recommended … to suppress a symptom. My hand was a bit scorched and HURT. Running water over it was extremely uncomfortable

This week we will welcome March. The hope of spring has me thinking about cleaning. OK. Not really cleaning. Decluttering! It’s WILD how much stuff we accumulate. And, it’s not that easy to get rid of it when it’s served its useful purpose. We moved out of a big house 5 years ago. We’ve had

I meet women every week that have recently discovered my work. It’s either a breath of fresh air, scary … or both.  When you’ve lived 40 plus years being told to suppress symptoms at all costs, it’s pretty shocking to hear a health care professional tell you to do the opposite. Trust me. I know

I regularly run Metabolic Energy System scans for members taking their quarterly assessments. The scans identify what’s draining their energy.  It’s Kryptonite! One of the most surprising results is a high toxic burden from … … supplements. If you’ve been in my world for a bit, you may have heard me say, “I don’t recommend

Last year at this time, I had just started planning my hiking adventure/sabbatical. I had been dreaming about it for two decades, but it was time to check it off the bucket list. Positive anticipation creates, happy brain chemicals …  … particularly dopamine. It’s always a good thing to plan things into the near future

I heard something recently that resonated with me. It’s not the NEW normal … It’s NEVER normal. The only thing constant is change. And change is stressful. The last few years have “fire hosed” us with situations that demand resilience. And 2024 promises more … … creating more stress. And, stress causes dis-ease that escalates

In my research recently, I stumbled on something I have been overlooking as I help women deal with the symptoms of menopause. It wasn’t a new idea … … especially not for me. But I haven’t seen it mentioned in any of the readily available information. Anemia causes fatigue and other confusing symptoms. And it’s

‘Tis the season for dieting. That’s not necessarily a bad thing unless … … you’re trying a diet that is unbalanced. Or, even more importantly … … unsustainable. Any diet that requires strict calorie or macro monitoring is unsustainable. And, all that work won’t even produce the results you’re looking for long-term. PASS! Unbalanced and

When I was starting my menopause journey, I drank the Kool-Aid too. Hormone replacement therapy was supposed to be the answer for all the problems. Weight gain Fat accumulation Insomnia Irritability Lethargy I had my concerns. Anyone at risk for developing cancer should be extra cautious. But bioidentical hormones, compounded in a pharmacy, were supposed

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