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This week I made time for a workshop … that I didn’t really have time for.  Sound familiar?  Somehow I knew that I needed to MAKE the time. The material in the workshop is aligned with the theme I’m focused on. And, we need to take advantage of the opportunities that are sent to make

Over 25 years ago, I had Lasik surgery and walked out of the doctor’s office with 20/20 vision. It was one of those “I can’t believe I waited so long” experiences.  It took many years of incremental deterioration to finally force me to depend on corrective lenses. I’ll never forget the first basketball game I

When I was just about to turn 30 , my life had become unmanageably stressful. I was leaving a marriage and facing dilemmas that my youthful bravado never imagined dealing with.  I will spare you most of the details … but, I do want to share how it affected me long-term.  You may have been

I put myself on a new protocol last week. YES! I practice what I preach. I had an upper respiratory infection a couple of months ago and I noticed symptoms pointing to a lingering toxic build-up in my lungs. My body needed some help clearing it out. My lungs are my weakest point. I had

My wedding anniversary is Friday. That’s right – Cinco de Mayo! I met and married my husband in Nashville. So, it will always hold a piece of my heart and be home to fond memories.  This week as my thoughts have drifted to Nashville, I was reminded of another thing about Nashville that was the

This was the first week that I really felt the shifting season … summer is inching closer every day. I ALSO noticed that the air seemed heavy with pollen that tends to aggravate our sinuses and generally has patients reaching for some symptom reliever. Just when we thought allergy season was behind us! I struggle

Many of the women that I see in my clinic are concerned that a thyroid malfunction may be the cause of their unwanted symptoms. In fact, you may have already been prescribed some form of thyroid medication. If this sounds like you … you’re not alone. I’ve found that one in three are taking thyroid

When most people hear the word ‘metabolism,’ they assume the conversation is heading in the direction of exercise. What if I told you that intense exercise could wreck an already damaged metabolism?! Metabolism is actually a process your body uses to turn what I refer to as “raw building blocks” into something useful … energy.

I have been exploring the concept of evolution. Evolution is evident everywhere we turn. As humans, we’re constantly evolving, growing, and changing. And it’s essential to understand how this evolution can affect our emotional, mental, and physical well-being. In this weeks’ episode of Let’s Talk Toxins, I shared a few personal experiences  to illustrate how

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