2023:7 Full Circle Moment from Evolution

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I have been exploring the concept of evolution. Evolution is evident everywhere we turn. 🐛

🧬 As humans, we’re constantly evolving, growing, and changing. And it’s essential to understand how this evolution can affect our emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

In this weeks’ episode of Let’s Talk Toxins, I shared a few personal experiences  🦈 to illustrate how our evolution can have a massive impact on our preferences, behavior, and even our health.

One of the key highlights from the video is how evolution plays a role in our health. I explore the concept of evolutionary medicinewith a unique holistic twist of course. By understanding and embracing our body’s natural ability to adapt and evolve, we can learn to manage and eliminate the toxins in our world more effectively.

If we embrace evolution and its application in medicine, we can think of it as the evolution of natural medicine.

🎯 I think of it as a full circle moment. 

What signs have you seen of personal evolution in your own life? Emotional, physical, mental? 💚 Is your life evolving for the better?

Until next week …

Be Well!

Dr. Gala

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About the author 

Dr. Gala

Dr. Gala Gorman is a licensed Acupuncturist, Naturopath, and Author who offers practical advice and programs for women who are experiencing health issues resulting from chronic stress.

She helps women intentionally reset their human energy system. This relieves their symptoms and restores their energy so that they can reclaim their "Super Woman" status.

Dr. Gala advocates for getting to the root cause of the health issue and treating it naturally. She encourages women to be their own health advocates. In her latest book, "What's Your Kryptonite?" readers learn to become their own PCP - Primary Care Person!

She uses advanced techniques including her MOLT Method™ to initiate an intentional reset. Molting ... or resetting … are critical processes for rejuvenation, growth, and adaptation in both the natural world and for all systems ... including the human body.

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