It’s been frustrating lately. 😩
As someone committed to changing the way we approach health and wellness, it’s surprising that there are STILL so many obstacles for those of us offering a fresh perspective.
My perspective … and approach … wasn’t developed from random sources. It’s been curated from many global leaders that are equally committed to what I refer to as “Root Cause Resolution Medicine.” 💊
We are a rare breed.
It all started in my 20s. The story is in the introduction for my book, 📗 “What’s Your Kryptonite?”
My father-in-law was a well-respected Harvard trained surgeon. 👨🏻⚕️ At a family gathering, he told my grandmother to avoid doctors AND the medication they peddle.
WHAT??!! 😲
Wasn’t this in direct conflict with his training? Was this how he counseled his patients?
As a surgeon, he didn’t have to deal with the daily conflict. If a problem required surgery, his skilled hands were ready to cut and sew.
I am committed to helping people … especially women … avoid health issues that lead to a recommendation of medication or surgery.
Sure. There are situations where the skills of a medical professional are priceless.
And, if you’re lucky and take good care of yourself, you’ll never need them.
Luck is mostly out of our control.
But, taking care of yourself is NOT. You need to become your PCP … Primary Care Person.
That’s what we focus on as Wellness Warriors. If you join me during the “beta” period, it will just cost you $1. Let’s build the community together.