My experience in the last couple of weeks has inspired me to re-prioritize talking to you about medication. As a complementary healthcare professional, I have seen the results of turning to the traditional medical system to deal with symptoms.
Before you get your “panties in a wad,” I’m not talking about a broken limb or an acute emergency situation … like a systemic infection or a heart attack.
Rather, long-term chronic symptoms are made worse by medicating them.
And, the longer you hang out in the system, the greater the risk that you’ll be prescribed multiple medications.
The way to unravel this problem (with the help of your prescribing physician … which would NEVER be me), is to review the medications in the order they were prescribed.
So, your (hopefully short) list would look like this:
Medication name
Date prescribed
Symptom or condition the medication suppresses
Next, again in order, go to the internet (WebMD, Epocrates, etc.) and check the side effects of each medication.
The dots are rarely connected when the medication is initially prescribed. It takes months for the ill effects to accumulate so people don’t think the medication could be related to what is perceived as a new problem.
The best approach is to avoid this slippery slope BEFORE turning to medication. A Human Energy System Reboot is a great start … and might even solve the problem.
The next best approach is to start at the bottom and work with the prescribing physician to reverse course. NEVER … I repeat … NEVER … discontinue prescription medication without careful monitoring.
These medications are interfering with internal communication. Those critical signals may take a bit of time to restore even when the interference is removed.
Until next week …
Be Well!