Today is Father’s Day. Very few men will read this message …
… but that isn’t going to stop us from celebrating the male energy that we “super women” depend on to complement our female energy.
And, in many households, Mom is also Dad most (or all) of the time.
Yes. We are the “whole package.”
In astrology, the Sun and Mars contribute the most masculine energy. So, in this season where it’s easy to spend time enjoying the sun, you can soak up the male energy to recharge your battery.
Mars isn’t known for patience. It’s what fuels our action. We women use it to tackle the “To Do List” that takes female super powers to manage.
So, take a moment today to celebrate the Father in you … along with those traditional Fathers in your world.
And, it’s the Summer Solstice on Thursday. It’s the perfect time for a Human Energy System Reboot to welcome the new season. Will you join me?
Until next week …
Be Well!