I wasn’t a traditional mom. I was a mom to pets, staff, clients … even significant others.
Do I regret it?
Most moms say something like “you don’t know what you’re missing.” And, that’s certainly true.
So, I have no idea what my life would be like WITH a child.
I do know that I rarely see parents who are just happy, proud and appreciative that they had the honor of bringing another human into the world.
And, rarely are kids truly happy. They’re not proud of their parents. They don’t even appreciate the sacrifices their parents made to give them the opportunity for life.
Parent/child relationships are often stressful. But, it doesn’t have to be this way.
One of my spiritual teachers … Wanda … had an interesting way to release the worry and grief often associated with parent/child relationships that were disappointing. She suggested that rather than allowing the unproductive thoughts to gain momentum, we visualize them happy …
… dancing, twirling, laughing.
YES! Anytime you catch yourself thinking about another human in a way that doesn’t feel good … STOP! Take a breath and visualize them happy.
Truly happy people are rarely unpleasant to be around.
We’re all finding our way. We all want to be happy. We all have characteristics that are worthy of appreciation.
It is such a powerful tool. It sucks the life out of worry. And, is a powerful stress reliever that we use in my MOLT Method™ Program.
So, visualize them happy and find a few things to appreciate.
And, by the way, the first person worthy of appreciation is YOU!
You know best how to mother yourself. When you reached adulthood (possibly even earlier) it was 100% your job.
It’s a big job … but you’ve got this, Mom! What’s your self-care plan this Mother’s Day?
Until next week …
Be Well!