2023:4 When It Hurts So Good

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The west coast has seen a few years of snowfall in recent weeks. 15 feet in the Lake Tahoe area. They’re predicting that the melt will be enough to restore the lake.  ❄️❄️❄️

Here it’s been the opposite. Warm and sunny. 🌞🌞🌞

And my spring fever got the best of me recently. I settled into a comfy chair with a gentle breeze blowing.

The sun felt SOOO GOOD on my face. And, I could feel my body rebooting!

Delightful. So much so that I feel asleep. 💤

When I woke up from my nap, I suspected that I got too much sun on skin that hadn’t seen it in awhile. 

I was right … unfortunately. By that evening, I looked like a roasted tomato.

Getting a bit of sun on unprotected skin is VERY healthy. What I did … not so much.

Did I mention it felt SOOO GOOD 

While I wouldn’t recommend spending more than 10 to 30 minutes in the sun with unprotected skin, when you do find yourself with a sunburn or skin rash it’s important to have some natural home remedies ready to go.

I share a post on my site that includes several of my favorites. The current situation called for a bit of extra help in the form of a Chinese herbal remedy. 

🤞 So far so good. The burn doesn’t hurt and hasn’t peeled … yet. 

Until next week …

Be Well!

Dr. Gala

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About the author 

Dr. Gala

Dr. Gala Gorman is a licensed Acupuncturist, Naturopath, and Author who offers practical advice and programs for women who are experiencing health issues resulting from chronic stress.

She helps women intentionally reset their human energy system. This relieves their symptoms and restores their energy so that they can reclaim their "Super Woman" status.

Dr. Gala advocates for getting to the root cause of the health issue and treating it naturally. She encourages women to be their own health advocates. In her latest book, "What's Your Kryptonite?" readers learn to become their own PCP - Primary Care Person!

She uses advanced techniques including her MOLT Method™ to initiate an intentional reset. Molting ... or resetting … are critical processes for rejuvenation, growth, and adaptation in both the natural world and for all systems ... including the human body.

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