My wedding anniversary is Friday. That’s right – Cinco de Mayo!
I met and married my husband in Nashville. So, it will always hold a piece of my heart and be home to fond memories.
This week as my thoughts have drifted to Nashville, I was reminded of another thing about Nashville that was the source of many happy moments.
Radnor Lake … is a magical area in the middle of a neighborhood called Forest Hills.
Lake + Forest + Hills => Happy Moments
I hiked the Ridge Trail backwards and forwards … literally. Some weeks I was there 3 or 4 times.
When I tell you that getting outside in nature is the best way to shed stress, it’s not just a theory. It’s personal experience!
And, now I enjoy walking the beach regularly but for this Capricorn goat there’s nothing like a strenuous climb to stir the soul … and happy brain chemicals.
It’s a dopamine rush recalling how much I loved this hidden gem just a few minutes from where we lived.
As I finish putting together the refreshed MOLT Method™ Program in our new learning portal, I feel a sense of urgency. We could all do a better job of managing stress and I know the information in this program will help.
When stress starts to escalate we need to recognize it and reverse course … before it causes problems that create even more stress!
I’ll let you know when it’s ready for prime time. While you’re waiting … get outside and let nature nurture you.