2024:48 Choose Your Battles 👊

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Did you start decorating for Christmas this weekend? Putting up the tree on Thanksgiving weekend was a tradition with my family.

Practically speaking, decorating is a lot of work. I wanted to make sure I had plenty of time to appreciate it.

I remember going to the tree lot to find the perfect tree and dragging it in the house … trying to make as little mess as possible.

It smelled wonderful. A bit of the great outdoors … on the inside.

BUT (YES, there’s usually a but) … the tree had to be watered daily. Even then, it eventually dried out and started dropping needles. 

And, the mess continued through to dragging it to the street to be discarded after the New Year.

Sooooo …

Several decades ago I finally caved and turned to a fake tree. Way easier BUT …

Sometimes we need to choose our battles. Can we get 80% of the enjoyment with a bit of compromise … that reduces 80% of the stress?

I think the fake tree does that for me. How do you feel about it?

Stress is something we MUST learn to manage. For those of us living “all out,” it’s a constant challenge.

That’s why I have been assembling tools to deal with stress for several decades. And, I organized them into a program I call the MOLT Method™

MOLT helps us shed stress! MOLT Members have my help applying the principles and using the tools … along with the comfort of knowing there out peeps out there that “get you!”

Don’t delay. The coupon will only work for the first 63 new members or until the clock strikes midnight ET on December 27.

The code is DRGTURNS63.

About the author 

Dr. Gala

Dr. Gala Gorman is a licensed Acupuncturist, Naturopath, and Author who offers practical advice and programs for women who are experiencing health issues resulting from chronic stress.

She helps women intentionally reset their human energy system. This relieves their symptoms and restores their energy so that they can reclaim their "Super Woman" status.

Dr. Gala advocates for getting to the root cause of the health issue and treating it naturally. She encourages women to be their own health advocates. In her latest book, "What's Your Kryptonite?" readers learn to become their own PCP - Primary Care Person!

She uses advanced techniques including her MOLT Method™ to initiate an intentional reset. Molting ... or resetting … are critical processes for rejuvenation, growth, and adaptation in both the natural world and for all systems ... including the human body.

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