It’s been a rough week for a few reasons … some of which I will leave to your imagination.
We lost another friend to cancer this week. He and his wife married us (co-ministers) many years ago. He was one of the good guys and will be missed by many.
I have had to celebrate friends post-mortem recently, but November will always be the month of thanks and appreciation for me.
In the US, it’s obvious that the bookend of the month is Thanksgiving.
But … my best friend’s birthday was last week, my mom’s birthday was the 12th, my dad’s birthday is the 18th, my sister’s birthday was the 27th …
… ALOT to celebrate.
So, when s#@%& hit the fan this week, I reached for my appreciation tool (metaphorically). It’s one of the resources in my MOLT Method Program.
Research has demonstrated the power of appreciation to create happy brain chemicals. YES … we can manufacture happiness even when it feels impossible.
My only caution is … don’t avoid all the emotions including grief. Just don’t get stuck there!