I talk a lot about the first few of the 7 Ways we initiate a Human Energy System Reboot. They focus on what we consume and when we consume it.
But … the other Ways are just as important. They are focused on minimizing the stress that keeps our body in survival mode.
Difficulty falling or staying asleep is one of the complaints I hear most often from women I’m working with.
And, if sleep isn’t happening … neither is healing.
You won’t make much progress with even the most comprehensive health improvement initiative if you’re not prioritizing sleep.
Are you thinking, “Dr. Gala, I DO prioritize sleep but it’s still not happening.”
What if you could adjust a few things that are interrupting your body’s natural process that leads to sound sleep?
I can say with near certainty that there are at least a few things you’re missing that are causing the dis-ease that is contributing to insomnia.
If you have difficulty sleeping more than one night every month, you have insomnia. Certainly, it could be worse. Some struggle with insomnia more than ONCE A WEEK!
Even just once a month can negate a lot of forward progress where your health is concerned.
Where do I suggest you start? With a Reboot of course.
It may require additional troubleshooting but all of the suggestions in the Reboot will lower the toxicity your body is managing. And, it’s toxicity that is creating the problem.
The time bomb may be ticking where your health is concerned. If you’re experiencing symptoms (like insomnia), don’t ignore the warning signs.
Do something!
The Reboot is priced ridiculously low. If you haven’t given it a try yet, you’re only risking a bit of time … and the rewards are many.