We are all called to make changes in our lives. It’s a good thing. Stagnation isn’t healthy.
There is a model known as the Stages of Change. When we understand the stages, it’s easier to accept where we are and what is keeping us stuck there … stagnating.
Stage 1 – Contemplation. Honestly, I say this isn’t really a stage of change. You’re stuck giving the idea of making a change some thought … probably repeatedly.
Stage 2 – Planning and Preparation. In my opinion, this is the most important stage. There’s a saying that applies here. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. Change is hard. A plan makes it much easier.
Stage 3 – Action. You might think THIS is the hardest stage but it’s not really THAT hard … especially when you’ve created a well thought out plan. After the indecision of Contemplation, taking Action is refreshing.
Stage 4 – Maintenance. You can include this stage in your plan but you’ll learn a lot in the Action stage that will need to be incorporated into your long-term Maintenance stage plan. When you are in the Action stage, you’ll want to ask yourself, “Can I maintain this long-term?”
When we hang out in the Contemplation stage for too long, the Action stage extends.
Using weight accumulation as an example …
Under 20 lbs – This can be eliminated in 6 weeks
20 to 50 lbs – This will take 6 months of sustained action
Over 50 lbs – When the problem escalates, there will most likely be additional issues that must be addressed. At this point, it’s not just the weight and may take years to reverse the damage.
The lesson is … don’t hang out in Contemplation for too long. Make a plan!
Even with my 10-day Human Energy System Reboot, we take 2 days to create a plan and prepare for a 7 day Reboot. That 20% produces 80% of the results.
Let’s use the Pareto Principle … the 80/20 rule … for the win!
Until next week …
Be Well!